Republican Elected Officials Representing SD 35

Tom Emmer

Congressman Tom Emmer

Congressman for CD 6
Majority Whip

Office: (763) 441-1270

Legislative Website

Authored: The Parental Rights Act
Voted for Lower Energy Costs Act
Voted for Protecting Women and Girls in Sports competition, H.R. 734

Voted to raise the debt celling, while cutting spending.

Called on Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to be impeached on
Friday, May 12th.

Co-Sponsor of "SEC Stabilization Act" to remove SEC Chair Gary Gensler and restructure the SEC to a board of 3 Rep. and 3 Dem.

Jim Abeler

Senator Jim Abeler

State Senator for SD 35

Office: 651-296-3733
Cell: 612-245-3764
Legislative Website

SF3175 - Temp Income Tax reduction
SF0215 - Appropriates money to Hope for Youth
SF0128 - Allocated money to Hwy 10 noise barrier

Added an Amendment to SF1311 that saved PSEO for faith-based institutions which resulted in a bipartisan vote.

Democrat Elected Officials Representing SD 35

Congresswomen Kelly Morrison

Congresswomen for CD 3

(202) 225-2871
Legislative Website

Rep. Zach Stephenson

Representative for SD 35 A



Voted for: Abortion Bill (HF1), Kidnapping Bill (HF146).

Voted on Taxes Omnibus bill eliminating E-pull tabs: most proceeds go to youth sports and sports associations. Other info on the Tax Bill, failed to repeal tax on SS, Establish a 5th tax bracket, raises taxes on businesses.

Voted for Public Safety and Judiciary Omnibus bill, handing "Get out of Jail Free" cards to violent criminals. Bill also contained gun laws that fail to address the real problems, and infringes on 2nd Amendment rights.

Voted for The Health omnibus bill which removes the the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, which was passed with bipartisan support in 2015.

HF100 - Chief Author: Legalizes up to 5lbs of recreational marijuana per household.

See text message below... 

"Are Joe Biden's open borders policies working for you? Zack Stephenson says yes.

Biden's policies have led to a crisis at our border and in our communities.

And Stephenson and his far-left allies in St. Paul have already given illegal immigrants free college and free healthcare. Now, they want to turn Minnesota into a sanctuary state. Is that fair to hardworking citizens?
Demand action from Zack Stephenson. Call 651-296-5513 and tell him to stop supporting Biden's border disaster.

Visit to learn more."

Rep. Kari Rehrauer

Representative for SD 35 B
